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Tracing man's ancestry

From the July 1988 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Recent investigations by geneticists have produced an intriguing theory: that the ancestry of modern humans can be scientifically traced back to one specific woman. With a touch of irony, the geneticists have decided to give her a rather well-known name. She is called "Eve."

Research on this subject is causing a considerable stir in the scientific and academic communities. And although the new theory has not yet found full acceptance with anthropologists, who have long based their own views about mankind's evolutionary history primarily on fossil evidence, many do feel it is a remarkable breakthrough.

After following a DNA trail discovered among the genes collected from a representative sample of people in various parts of the world, scientists are now concluding that, regardless of individual or racial diversity, all of the five billion men, women, and children on earth today have the same ancient ancestor. According to the scenario, great-grandmother "Eve" was most likely a woman of considerable strength and endurance, muscular, dark-skinned, living as a hunter-gatherer somewhere in the hot climate of Africa approximately 200,000 years ago.

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