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A healing service

From the March 1989 issue of The Christian Science Journal

"I'll go to church with you this one time," said the husband to his wife. It was a Wednesday afternoon, and this newly married couple had just had their first big disagreement. The husband was feeling bad about it and wanted to make it up to his wife, who was a student of Christian Science. When they married, he had made clear that he didn't need God or religion in his life. But going to church one night wouldn't hurt him, he decided.

The selections from the Bible and Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy that were read at the Wednesday evening meeting were not even over when this man knew that the teachings of Christian Science were what he had been looking for all his life. He felt with deep conviction that here was the answer to his problems. And that wasn't all that happened to him that night: he left that church service completely and permanently healed of depending on alcohol.

He had realized that a knowledge of God was far more reliable and satisfying than any dependence on alcohol could be. And later he told a friend of mine, "I have never taken another drink since that Wednesday evening, and that was over thirty years ago. I simply do not care any longer for something that claims to be a power apart from God. I have found God, and that is enough."

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