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Should it be surprising to think of the Christian Science movement as still new? As someone once said, "A movement moves." Articles on the subject of Church and movement appear regularly in this section.

Christ's teachings: worth our whole heart

From the March 1989 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Imagine how it must have felt to be with Jesus after the resurrection. A few days before, it looked to his students as though everything had come to an end. The healings, the lessons, the incredible hope and joy, all gone. Their Teacher had been crucified.

And yet, here they were, talking and eating with this man who had risen out of a tomb. It wasn't over after all. Remarkably, it was all just beginning.

Jesus had done his part. Now it was up to the disciples to teach others. They were to establish a religion that would be distinguished, as his life had been, by healing works and love.

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