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The way

From the March 1989 issue of The Christian Science Journal

"I am the way," the Master said.
My heart rejoiced.
Always before me, his command:
"Watch and pray."

And then one day
I saw the road I'd walked—
Up, down,
Stony, dead-end,
High cliff, deep rivers,
With a heavy cross

To reach the Horeb height and gain a crown—
Was a road of my design.
Wearily I reached an end—
Not height, but depth.
Road of human outline,
Hard and rough
(Perhaps a little progress
And then an empty feeling)
Truly watching—prayers unending—
But now... nowhere to go!

I stopped and listened:
"Be still, and know."
Know what, Lord? "That I am,"
The only I am, God, that is the way.
The manner of the Christ—
The Godlikeness of man's true selfhood!
I loosed my burden—
Human ego with its false I am—
Felt struggles cease.
"I am," the Master said, "the way"
Of living Truth, expressing Love.

In wonderment and joy,
Right here, this day,
I feel the presence of the Christ
And gain a crown of peace.

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