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Keeping the missionary spirit

From the March 1989 issue of The Christian Science Journal

A new member of The Mother Church who is also an active member of a Christian Science Society wrote the following article. The freshness and enthusiasm convey an important message, one that we think our longtime readers will enjoy and find helpful in their continuing branch church work.

As members of a group of Christian Scientists that was fast on its way to becoming a Christian Science Society, we occasionally had out-of-town visitors who would comment that the unity and love expressed by our group came out so clearly in our services. They would often express a desire to take back the inspiration they felt to their own churches; they wanted to regain what seemed to be a lost sense of the missionary spirit that built the branch churches.

As students of Christian Science, we really do know that this spirit has never been lost. The Christ is just as much alive in our daily lives and in our churches as it was when Mrs. Eddy first founded The Mother Church in Boston. What we sometimes need to regain individually is that steadfastness and purpose that were so much a part of our early studies of Christian Science.

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