The sign covered a shop window: "Pre-opening clearance today." There might be times when, like the owner of that shop, we want to make a clearance even before we get started on something new! The clearance, however, is often not simply of unwanted objects but of nagging thoughts that keep troubles clinging tightly to us.
How can we dispose of the unwanted clutter? Well, we can search more deeply to understand what Life, that is, God, really is. And we can begin to challenge everything that claims to be ungodlike in our lives.
We clear away worrying thoughts of sickness, sin, and the like by replacing these with the very knowledge of good that these would obscure, and through realizing that man as God made him is wholly good and free from trouble. The truth is that man is spiritual and infinite, not material. And through acceptance of this fact, we learn to feel divine Love's presence filling our thought with goodness.