I must express in writing my deep gratitude to God for all that Christian Science has brought to my life—spiritual learning, guidance, provision, protection, redemption, and healing.
My parents confirm that while I was growing up, diseases commonly associated with childhood were few, and quickly healed through prayer. The standard of God's pure goodness taught in Christian Science won out over many of the temptations and pitfalls of youth, such as peer pressure, recklessness, smoking, drinking, and drugs. In retrospect, I see that the fundamental understanding of God as good, and forever Truth, instilled in me at home, in Christian Science Suncay School, and through Christian Science college organization membership, was a blessing and protection throughout my growing-up years, which included ten years of performing in rock bands.
When I was in college, I had a wonderful, instantaneous healing of heavy flulike symptoms one winter when I realized clearly that a spiritual idea cannot have anything that the Mind conceiving that idea doesn't bring to it. Since I had learned in Christian Science that man is truly a spiritual idea of God, in and of all-harmonious divine Mind, I reasoned that I could express only purity, health, and comfort, not sickness and suffering. I knew that glorifying God by expressing His qualities is man's true nature and purpose. Immediately I felt the symptoms disappearing, and within minutes I was free.