These are stirring and occasionally bewildering times, and many are seeking something solid to build their lives on. For some people this search has taken them into a study of philosophies. Others go from church to church, hoping to find anchorage.
Others, not all of them churchgoers, may pick up that old standby, the Bible, and may find an unexpected reservoir of encouragement and advice. It may even present a challenge, as in the Psalmist's resolve: "As for me, I will behold thy [God's] face in righteousness: I shall be satisfied, when I awake, with thy likeness." Ps. 17:15.
To adopt as our own this goal of the Psalmist can give our search for meaning a sharper focus. It will lead us to a better understanding of God and of spiritual man created in His likeness. To see God's nature expressed in this way is to a degree to see the "face" of God.