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The reality that sets us free

From the January 1991 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The dreams we have in sleep, though they often seem very real, are merely transient phenomena. What we see, feel, and experience may appear real while we are dreaming; but when the alarm clock goes off and we wake with a jolt, we wonder how we could have seen and heard in our dream without any physical senses. Might not this illustrate the fact that corporeality is a mental concept whether we are awake or asleep?

Christ, Truth, always present in human consciousness, can awaken us to the eternal reality of man's present spiritual perfection in God's likeness. We catch glimpses of this awe-inspiring reality in the first chapter of Genesis, where we read, "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth."1 This is a creation that culminates in the description of man as made in God's own image and likeness.

The New Testament Gospels bring to light a further unfolding of this truth of creation. Christ Jesus understood that God is the universal Father, and he made plain man's spiritual sonship as God's child. When the sick came to the Master for healing, the Christ, or Truth, banished the lie of materiality. The blind, deaf, and lame were freed from their awful deception that life is finite and can be confined in and wholly controlled by the flesh. The Saviour proved by his own example that in reality man lives in God, Spirit, never in matter.

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