Are you without a job? Do you feel defeated? Do you have health problems? Doubts about the future? Are you tired of living? Then ask! Seek! Knock at the door of inexhaustible good, God! Your Father-Mother God is infinite Love.
Christ Jesus exhorted his followers: "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you." This profound, inspired assertion is the answer to human needs. It is based on spiritual insight and conviction, and not on the testimony of the material senses. Jesus explained, "Every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened." 1 Isn't this a clear and profound instruction as to how we should act when in need? As to what our faith, hope, and understanding should be?
God, Love, is everywhere, is All, has all you need. He is always ready to bless, provide, give; to be for you what He already is: tender, just, peaceful, joyous, wise.