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Testimonies of Healing

I am profoundly grateful to have been raised by...

From the April 1991 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I am profoundly grateful to have been raised by parents who never wavered from their reliance on Christian Science in raising a large family. Science has been a source of strength in many difficult situations.

A number of years ago I was visiting a friend when I stepped on a toy and fell against a corner of a table. I was in a great deal of pain, but I was able to drive myself home, where I called a Christian Science practitioner for help through prayer. The pain ceased, but movement was difficult. For insurance purposes I had an X-ray and was told I had two broken ribs. The practitioner and I continued to pray together, and about two weeks later I went to a prearranged dinner dance and danced a polka with complete ease.

A few years later I was driving on a highway with my younger son when I dozed for a few seconds. The car went out of control and landed in a ditch on the other side of the highway. Immediately my son (who was then thirteen years old) assured me, "God is here! Everything is all right!" He was unhurt, but it was obvious that my ribs had been broken again. We were taken to a hospital, but I declined treatment and called my sister to pick us up.

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