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Cultivating spiritual vision

From the November 1992 issue of The Christian Science Journal

When I was a child playing football with a group of friends, I was pushed into a bush while running down a sideline. A sharp stick scratched across my eye and caused injury next to the socket. Throughout this experience people reminded me of how fortunate I was to still have the ability to see.

Yet since that time I have learned of a more perfect vision that might be described as a spiritual understanding of God. This understanding has helped me to discern His presence and His care for man. As a result, it has freed me, in a significant degree, from the belief that health is uncertain, undependable. It has shown me that the practice of spiritual healing, founded on a clear sense of God as infinite, all-powerful Love and of man as God's spiritual, perfect image, is consistent and effective.

The power of infinite Love was the common denominator in all of Christ Jesus' works. It is the element that gives Christians in the present day true healing ability. This power is what regenerates lives. It's what purifies thought through the transforming influence of the healing, saving Christ. With scientific precision, the more spiritual our thought becomes, the less material and limited will be our view of the world around us. This purification enables us to bear witness to God's sinless, perfect reality. It enables us to find healing, our innate wholeness as God's likeness.

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