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Notes from Zaire

From the November 1992 issue of The Christian Science Journal

has visited several African countries, representing the Clerk 's Department of The Mother Church. His most recent visit was to Zaire, and he agreed to share with Journal readers excerpts from his own journal, in which he recorded impressions and prayers while in Zaire.

Mobembo molayi! It sure was a "long journey." Now we can laugh about the 320 kms. of cratered and dusty road to Boma, and the same road back through Bas Zaire, southwest of Kinshasa. Before my flight home we have midday meal at Ndilu's home: grilled fish, chicken in peanut sauce, fried plantain . . . daughters and muted MTV playing in the background.

Meetings went well . . . four of the seven Bas Zaire groups of Christian Scientists, six churches and two groups in Kinshasa. Their sincerity and penetrating questions made lasting impressions. They have so much Church and so few things.

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