Dear Reader,
How wonderful that, for many, Christmas continues to be a time of celebrating the birth of Christ Jesus as well as our own individual awakening to the significance of that momentous event. The prophet shepherds heard these words: "Unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord." Do you realize that, at this very moment, this same message of Christ's appearing can be heard? The saving understanding of God and man, which Jesus presented, can be born in our lives today. Jesus taught the eternality of Christ, or Truth. This divine idea is timeless and universal; so anyone, regardless of culture, education, or social background, can respond to and be healed by the power of God.
Could there be anything more holy than the appearing of Christ, Truth, in our lives? Could there be anything more important? "I celebrate Christmas with my soul, my spiritual sense, and so commemorate the entrance into human understanding of the Christ conceived of Spirit, of God and not of a woman—as the birth of Truth, the dawn of divine Love breaking upon the gloom of matter and evil with the glory of infinite being," 1 writes Mary Baker Eddy, who founded the Church of Christ, Scientist.