Through the study of Christian Science, we learn that every disturbing physical, emotional, or personal problem can be rectified and healed through a surrender to metaphysical facts. The Christian Science textbook, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mrs. Eddy, states, "The effect of this Science is to stir the human mind to a change of base, on which it may yield to the harmony of the divine Mind."1 Nothing good is destroyed when healing takes place. Rather, the human mind is yielding to the harmony of the divine Mind, and individually we are seeing a bit more of God's kingdom come on earth.
This kind of yielding is essential to bring healing to the challenges confronting a church as well as in our own lives. It may sometimes be helpful to ask ourselves, "What am I seeing that God isn't seeing?" Since He is the only genuine cause, and creation is His perfect spiritual effect, is what I am seeing legitimate from the absolute standpoint of Christian Science? The need is not to ignore what may need correcting but to listen to the truth that God is imparting; to cultivate an even deeper love for God; to be willing to surrender to what pure Mind is knowing.
I'd like to share an experience I had in which I caught a glimpse of where a problem actually lay and how to heal it. Like many fellow members, I've been troubled in recent years by what I've occasionally heard about my Church. I know, however, that to become embroiled in quarreling or to indulge in gossip would not contribute to a healing. So each time troubling suggestions came, I turned in prayer to God and attempted to understand more fully His infinite and perfect control. But I still felt unsettled. Unconsciously, I was thinking in terms of blame instead of strengthening my own ability to see how God was working out His purpose.