"Have you ever seen a young person—eight, ten, or twelve years old—without parents, without a home, living on his own on the streets? There are millions of these young people living in the streets of the world. Just in Latin America there are more than twenty million young persons thrown on the streets. Their parents have rejected them; society has rejected them. Such children are in Africa, in Asia, in Europe, and even in the United States. They are telling us that there is a universal belief of lack of love for children, a belief of hate.
"Our churches have Sunday Schools. These Sunday Schools are the arm of The Mother Church to embrace children throughout the world. How strong are these Sunday Schools? How active is this arm that embraces? Are we protecting our churches, our Sunday Schools, from this belief of hate for children?"
With these moving, thought-provoking words, Juan Carlos Lavigne, C.S.B., of Olivos, Argentina, and Verta B. Driver, a Christian Science practitioner from Seattle, Washington, opened the meetings held on June 9 about the relationship of Science and Health and Sunday School.