Jesus' great commission to every disciple is inescapable. Even so, lecturers are still asked why it is that their messages are directed more toward the public, especially the newcomer, and apparently less toward directly providing fresh inspiration for Christian Scientists. Behind the question may lie the disheartening presumption that lectures are somehow "either/or"—they are either for one class of thinkers or another. Yet experience shows that this definitely doesn't have to be the case. As the June 1993 Journal column from the Board of Lectureship implies, the disciples are fed by the same bread of Truth that they distribute to others. At the same time, the simple purpose is always to "tell the story" that "some have never heard." Christian Science Hymnal, No. 414.
Wherever the prophets of ancient Israel went, their messages were spoken in the name of God. Whoever had ears to hear, heard. Their listeners included some who were already familiar with their vision and a good many who were not. The prophets spoke of what they had seen and known through God's self-revealing, what they learned through His Word. Their words were stirring, spontaneous, provocative, urgent. They came announcing the presence and the lawful requirements of the Almighty, the great I am, demanding to be known and responded to.
At times, this roused opposition. Many who heard the words missed the message! Some seemed unreceptive, shrouded in their own familiar opinions about life. Those who missed the message even included some of the prophets' close associates. They might have complained restlessly about having heard the same "chapter and verse" before, and yet they could also feel troubled by new ideas and demands being made on them. Still, the very fact that we have the Bible record shows that out of the whole audience a few did hear. A few allowed the divine ideas to reach and embrace them. They responded honestly and wholeheartedly to those ideas. The same is true today.