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Testimonies of Healing

Sometimes when we have...

From the January 1994 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Sometimes when we have physical difficulties, we may think that it is our own fault and that we deserve to suffer. At other times we may think the problem isn't our fault and feel sorry for ourselves. I have learned that whether or not we think we are experiencing problems because of our own or others' doing, the Christ heals under both circumstances. It doesn't matter what we believe about the cause of a situation; divine Mind heals discord with the facts of spiritual truth.

I have had two healings of a similar nature. In one instance I felt the problem was my own fault, and in the other that circumstances were beyond my own control. God, the only cause, healed me both times by providing the correct, spiritual ideas where suffering was present.

The first healing happened after I decided to take the bull by the horns and dig out by hand a number of poison ivy plants in our yard. I didn't think it was right that any poisonous plant should be able to mar our new home. I removed them with this as my guiding thought; it was, in fact, just human will.

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