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Mary Baker Eddy: a lifetime of healing

The demand for more grace (1893–1895)

From the April 1996 issue of The Christian Science Journal

This series of articles focuses on the healings brought about by Mary Baker Eddy through her reliance on God. These healings began in her childhood and continued throughout her life. Some of them have not been published previously.

It became Mary Baker Eddy's practice, after she moved to Pleasant View, her home in Concord, New Hampshire, to take daily carriage rides through the town and surrounding region. These drives usually lasted no more than an hour and provided a break in a very demanding work schedule. Sometimes she would stop at the Western Union telegraph office to send a message to her church workers in Boston. On those occasions the office manager usually came out to her carriage. One afternoon, while he was talking with Mrs. Eddy, she asked if he was "feeling as well as usual." He told her of a chronic stomach problem. After their conversation he never again had trouble with his stomach, nor with severe colds that he had been subject to.1

1At another time when Mrs. Eddy was watching the approach of a storm, she noticed a man on crutches enter her gate. She sent word to offer him shelter and food. After eating, he stayed in the carriage house until the rain had stopped. A few months later when some members of the Pleasant View household were going to Concord, a workman who was breaking stone on the road stopped their carriage. He asked if they remembered him. When none did, he told them that he was the one to whom they had given shelter. He went on to say that while waiting for the storm to pass he had fallen asleep, and upon waking, he said, "I rose and walked without my crutches, and have never needed them since." He couldn't understand it. When told about this on their return, Mrs. Eddy recalled the man and acknowledged she had prayed about the situation.2

1 Adelaide Morrison Mooney reminiscence, Church History department of The Mother Church.
2 Anna White Baker reminiscence, Church History.

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