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"What's causing my troubles?"

From the April 1996 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Human thought assumes that everything, be it bad or good, has a cause. It does so as instinctively as the bee seeks nectar or migratory birds fly to a warmer hemisphere in the winter.

Within conventional logic, that assumption is natural enough. But the healing logic of Christian metaphysics points out another line of reasoning: because there is an infinite cause—God, good—there cannot be an additional finite cause.

In the healing prayer and reasoning of Christian Science, we aim to start out with real cause, which is divine, and so arrive at the right effect, or result. In healing through Christian metaphysics, we learn to turn to the one source, God, for an answer, following the example of Christ Jesus. We turn away from the appearance of illness and evil not to ignore them but to find eternal Principle, Love, to be the only cause at any time and in any place. In this way we find the right effect, the all-good effect. In other words, we find healing and solutions to problems. Moreover, we seek the cause of spiritual and good things only, since they are the only true effects. And their cause is always unchanging Principle, eternal good.

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