While playing basketball with a group of friends one summer, I landed sideways on my ankle after jumping high into the air for a rebound. A loud pop accompanied the landing. As I lay on the ground, I denied any possibility of an accident, declaring aloud that I was spiritual, not material, as Mrs. Eddy tells us in "the scientific statement of being," which is in Science and Health. I tried to get up and walk, but it was very difficult to do so. My foot and lower ankle began to swell and to discolor. Still, I knew that understanding the simple truth of the allness and omnipresence of God would heal me.
I made arrangements to stay in a quiet room at a Christian Science nursing facility. Shortly after I settled into my room, some friends called and offered assistance. They encouraged me to move to the nursing floor instead, where I could receive additional care. I declined both their help and their suggestion, but I appreciated their thoughtfulness and thanked them. I continued to pray alone.
As I prayed, I realized I had been feeling resentment and hardness toward some aspects of my job as well as my personal life. I began to see that what I needed at that moment was more compassion and love. I promptly called my friends back, accepted their help, and went to the nursing floor. The third verse of Hymn 278 in the Christian Science Hymnal came to me: