Sometimes our lives seem to be disconnected from God. But can God, who is All, omnipresent, ever be distant? Can He ever be separate from His creation? The more we understand His absolute allness, the more we see evidence of His gentle control of our entire experience.
Christ Jesus taught that God is our Father and that He is Spirit. The Master proved through his works that God is everywhere, that He is infinite Love and Life, and that He is pure good. The material senses cannot comprehend the allness of good; but as we reason with the spiritual truths that we do understand, and trust our spiritual sense, we learn about God's omnipresence. We learn that good is the only reality. Knowing, for example, that God is Love, we understand that His creation can include no hatred—nothing that could bring hurt. Good can produce only good. We realize, then, that good must be omnipresent, that there is no room for anything to oppose God.
We learn in the Bible that man is made in God's image. So man is the image of Love, Life, Spirit. How could Love be distant when man is Love's expression? God is Life itself. Our very Life can't be distant. Since God is Spirit, man is spiritual. He's not a material being separate from his creator.