Women reformers of the nineteenth century gained and held beachheads that still inspire today. But can we learn anything from them about expanding the recognition of the worth and rights ... of women throughout the world? This article encourages just such a lesson. It explores what Mary Baker Eddy faced as she worked for reform in religion and in healing during the latter half of the last century and the first decade of this. But it also examines the spiritual currents that push forward the most needed reforms in any era. As a reformer draws strength from these currents, remarkable progress springs up.
"Materialistic hypotheses challenge metaphysics to meet in final combat. In this revolutionary period, like the shepherd-boy with his sling, woman goes forth to battle with Goliath," writes Mary Baker Eddy. Science and Health, p. 268
When David, armed only with his shepherd's sling and faith in God, went out to meet Goliath, whose physical stature and state-of-the-art armor appeared to give him a clear advantage, Goliath viewed his opponent with disdain. But David won the battle, and Goliath fell.I Sam., chap. 17