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The Christian Science Journal—fulfilling its mission to readers

From the June 1998 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Dear friends,

Since 1883, The Christian Science Journal has been a practical, effective resource for spiritual progress and healing. It is a monthly record of what individuals throughout the world are discovering and proving of God's goodness and power, and of their true nature as God's children.

Readers deserve to find a clear presentation of the Science of Christ that gives a working understanding of its practice. Relevant spiritual ideas should be discussed distinctly in each article in a way that inspires seekers for Truth to experience dominion in their daily lives and helps them to work out their salvation from sickness and sin. Writers and editors work conscientiously together to convey ideas so that they will be understandable for any reader. All articles, however, don't necessarily have to be all things to all readers. A penetrating article can prompt a new reader to want to dig deeper, while at the same time it feeds an experienced student. All types of readers, we've found, appreciate the broad texture of experience and insight found throughout the articles, testimonies, features, and editorials.

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