In celebrating the centennial year of The Christian Science Publishing Society, the Journal recognizes the many behind-the-scenes sacrifices involved in carrying out its healing mission. To illustrate, here is a brief excerpt from an early employee's reminiscence, one of several being published this year.
When I went to work [in September 1898] as a printer for The Christian Science Publishing Society, all of its activities were carried on in two three-story dwellings that stood at No. 95 and No. 97 Falmouth Street on part of the site that is now occupied by the extension of The Mother Church.
The Publishing House activities and church office work were carried on by about twenty-five persons. Two women took care of the subscriptions to The Christian Science Journal, and one of them, I remember, used to address the wrappers for the new subscriptions, wrap up the magazines, stamp them, bundle them up in her apron, and put them in the mail box on the sidewalk on her way home to lunch or at the end of the day.