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Testimonies of Healing

Faith leads to understanding

From the July 1999 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I experienced healing through faith even before I came into a fuller understanding of God's law in Christian Science, and I feel compelled to record the events that led me to this Science. When I was yet a babe of a year and a half, I was stricken with infantile paralysis (now called polio). The attending physician told my family he could do no more for me and said if I lived the night, I would be crippled. They were all distraught, so my grandpa went for a walk. Coming upon a tent where revival meetings were held, he entered. The preacher asked him why he seemed so upset, so he told him about me. The preacher asked if he could come and pray for me.

As they came in and knelt to pray, my ma and daddy, my grandma, and two aunts were present. Before my illness, I used to twist my finger in my hair. When they saw this tiny finger reach up and start twisting my hair, they all cried that I was healed, and I was. I survived the night, without any crippling.

I grew up hearing about God's healing me.

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