In April of 1983, three people who had learned about Christian Science in the Democratic Republic of Congo, the Zaire, met at a family gathering in Angola. They soon began to hold sunday services and Wednesday testimony meetings in a private home. These small meetings led to an increase in readers of Science and Health, and they formed what today is the Christian Science Society of Hoji Ya Henda.
In 1986 another group was formed, which today is the Christian Science Society of Landa-Palanca. In 1988 I arrived in Angola from Kinshasa. Another group was formed, and they became First Church of Christ Scientist, Lunanda. This church was officially recognized by the Angolan government in 1992.
Science and Health, which is available in many bookstores in the capital area, has been sent to the Angolan authorities, even to the President of the Republic and his wife, several Ministers, and the President of the National Assembly. In June of 2001, the African edition of the Hearld was sent to all the ambassadors based in Angola, all the Ministers, and all National Assembly legislators.