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Broader focus, better health

From the November 2004 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It's Monday morning. As I sit down at my desk, I notice that the office could really use a good cleaning. And tonight, I think, I definitely have to go grocery shopping. Seven a.m. and my day is already filling up with things to do, with issues that need attention or resolution. I'm starting to feel as though my universe revolves around ... me.

To top it off, I've got this intense pain in my lower teeth and jaw. The pain is like a magnet, pulling my attention onto my problems and how I'm feeling. I'd noticed the pain a little bit in recent months. But the last few weeks it's been getting pretty bad. And one of my front teeth is starting to look discolored. I realize I need to pray about the situation some more.

I realize I can do more for myself by learning more about God's nature than by fixating on a condition He knows nothing about.

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