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'How could we keep this wonderful gift to ourselves?'

From the June 2004 issue of The Christian Science Journal

What Two Words might best characterize the members of the Christian Science Society in Cotonou, Benin? Fearless givers. Fearless givers dedicated to responding to their community's search for spirituality.

For Vincent Nnanna, a member of the society, it all began about nine years ago when he was living in Nigeria. "I heard a Christian Science Sentinel radio program that talked about God and existence in a way that I'd never heard before," he says. "That God, Spirit, is All and therefore matter is nothing was an idea that really interested me. What did this mean? What could it mean for me?"

Vincent wanted to find out more, so he visited a bookstore—a Christian Science Reading Room—that sells the book on which this system of healing is based: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy.

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