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Testimonies of Healing

Not struck down by a stroke

From the June 2004 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I live in Honolulu, Hawaii. Three years ago when my wife and I were on a six-day trip to a resort on another Hawaiian island, I took some difficult work with me. I had to compile a chronology of very disturbing business events, and it took me about three days to finish it. Afterward I felt very depressed and tired.

While my wife was out on an errand the next day, I was walking to another room when I suddenly fell to the floor and was unable to get up or move the right side of my body. It appeared that I had suffered a stroke. I immediately began emphatically and resolutely declaring, "God is my life." I was praying—pleading to see evidence of God's allness, of His presence right there with me. I was pleading as a lawyer would, affirming all the spiritual facts of my being—the reasons as to why I was in God's care—and stating them with authority. As a result of my conviction that God is Life itself, I had no fear.

Because God is everywhere, I knew that, no matter how real the situation seemed, it was not valid or legitimate. I was determined not to lose sight of the fact that I was spiritual, that I wasn't at the mercy of my physical body but was totally under divine protection, provision, and love. At that very moment I just knew that I was God's expression. I also thought through the fact that I am spiritual, and that all is Mind and its creation. This turned my thoughts toward God's goodness and care for me.

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