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From the February 2005 issue of The Christian Science Journal

As the Monitor seeks to engage thinkers worldwide, Jonathan Wells, the Monitor's director of business development and electronic publishing, is looking at the near-term future and sees progress on three fronts: content distribution, reader interactivity, and business partnering.

"I see a lot more people getting Monitor content in an increasingly wired world. And I see them getting the content in ways that are meaningful to them, less prescribed by us. Among the new technologies we've adopted is one called RSS feeds, or 'Really Simple Syndication.' It's an opportunity to get headlines sent automatically to a personalized newsstand on any reader's computer—just as in the past you might have seen the front page of the Monitor at a physical newsstand. The Monitor is one of the first to utilize this technology, and tens of thousands of online readers use these feeds daily."

"Publishing has been for the most part one way. We put information out, and we don't hear much back. That will change. There will be ways in which users of content begin to influence content and provide feedback, so that there's much more of a community and dialogue.

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