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From the February 2005 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I wasn't prepared for the emotions that hit after my daughter was born. I had felt very upbeat and happy anticipating her arrival. But once she came, I was overwhelmed by discouraging and depressing thoughts. I believed I was totally responsible for her and felt burdened by that responsibility, even when I wasn't with her.

One day, I felt particularly low. I was anxious and having trouble concentrating. But instead of trying to push through the list of chores I needed to complete that day, I decided to sit down on the sofa and pray.

First, I acknowledged that God was right with me. That I was not a poor, suffering mortal separated from His love and goodness. God was there—loving me and guiding me. I knew that when He saw me, He saw His perfect spiritual idea. He thought, "This is my beloved daughter, in whom I am well pleased." See Matt. 3:17. So I prayed to feel this love. And soon I did. After a while, I even felt ready to tackle my to-do list. I learned an important lesson that day—that I didn't have to give in to negative thoughts and feelings. Instead, I could overcome them by acknowledging the very real and tangible presence of God.

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