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Ask any Bible reader to rattle off the Ten Commandments and more likely than not, he or she will know most or all of them. By contrast, the spiritual guidelines for true contentment—otherwise known as the Beatitudes—are often unfamiliar. Yet these very same guiding principles launched Jesus' most remembered address, the Sermon on the Mount. And the founder of this magazine, Mary Baker Eddy, so valued their significance that she included them in her fundamental curriculum for Sunday School students. Manual of The Mother Church, pp. 62–63 .

In commemoration of the man whose life and lessons we celebrate at Easter, the Journal begins what will be a nine-part series on the Beatitudes. This month's offering takes a comprehensive look at these Biblical "blesseds." The articles to follow will explore individual Beatitudes and their relevance in a 21st-century world.

Don't worry, be happy

From the March 2005 issue of The Christian Science Journal

THE RADICAL STATEMENTS JESUS MADE ALMOST required an accompanying disclaimer— "Caution! If followed as prescribed, this could turn world upside down." Just about everything Jesus said or did seemed to contradict the accepted cultural views of his time, resulting in, more often than not, religious and social upheaval.

His comments on what constitutes true happiness or contentment in life are no exception. In the New Testament Gospel of Luke, Jesus defines the poor, weeping, starving, and hated as "happy."2 The Gospel of Matthew adapts and adds to this list, and the result is a series of nine short statements, each one beginning with the promise of happiness.3

Commonly known today as the Beatitudes, these sayings not only redefine happiness, they show that each person has the natural ability to experience this happiness. Natural because, as the statements suggest, true happiness comes from God. They tell not so much what humanity needs to do in order to become superficially happy, but what God does to establish the foundation for spiritual happiness, the kind of happiness that lasts.

3  See Matt. 5:3–12 (TEV) .

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