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From the March 2005 issue of The Christian Science Journal

If we listed all of Barry Huff's areas of Biblical expertise, they would exceed our allotted word limit. With a Master of Theological Studies already under his belt, he's currently pursuing an advanced degree in Old Testament studies at Columbia Theological Seminary in Decatur, Georgia. As he shows in his article "Don't worry, be happy" (p. 14), he has a special affinity for—and can lend keen insight Jesus Beatitudes.

Christian Science practitioner and teacher Elise L. Moore was on vacation in Peru when the inspiration struck for her article about quicker healing, "when you need help fast" (p. 30). She needed a speedy healing herself—and had one. "That," she says, "got me thinking about the elements that go into quick healings. And this piece was the result." Elise and her husband, David, split their time between Nashville, Tennessee, and Tucson, Arizona.

In a way, it was only natural that Doug Brown should meet up with dog-sled racers Lachlan and Linda Clarke. They're all kindred spirits in a sporting world. Having played volleyball at the university level, Doug now passes his scant recreational time surfing and sailing near his Carlsbad, California, home. You'll learn from his interview with the Clarkes in "The call of the wild" (p. 36) that the snowy Alaskan trail has proved the ideal terrain to put prayer to the test.

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