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From the March 2005 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I was flying out of Monterey, California, to San Francisco on an eight-seat commuter plane. Visibility was poor, and not long after takeoff we were immersed in a sea of fog. The plane was small enough that I could see out all the windows, including the pilot's window. Nothing was visible but murky, milky clouds. I hadn't flown much before, and I found the experience interesting, but also a little disconcerting.

In a few minutes I noticed that, little by little, it started to feel warmer and somewhat brighter in the plane, until all at once we pierced through the top of the fog bank into a beautiful, brilliant, blue sky. I was so excited that I turned to the strangers in the seats around me and gleefully exclaimed, "This is so cool!" The amused passengers shared in my joy as we made our way above the clouds to our destination.

Although this experience happened many years ago, I've thought of it often and considered how similar it seems to the effect of prayer. It's as if I'm lifted above a mental fog bank as I reach out to God for healing—healing of relationships or sickness or any issue that needs addressing. When prayer has lifted my thought to see clearly my perfect and uninterrupted relationship with God, the problem is healed. And, without fail, I think with new enthusiasm that the way God works in my life and others' lives is "so cool."

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