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From the March 2005 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Exploring the ocean's depths, discovering its fragile, colorful, intricate forms, can be an intriguing and wonderful experience. Yet delving into the fundamental nature of being—into the nature of God and His creation—must be, is, more satisfying than anything else can be. It's a door open to each of us, to find the unique satisfaction of looking deeply into existence as it really is.

One key piece of this exploration is each individual's relationship with God. The oneness of man—meaning man and woman's actual spiritual nature—with his Maker is of central importance to one's well-being and contentment. This oneness may not be readily apparent to the five physical senses, but the fact remains that as the expression of God's being, man must be, is, inseparable from his divine source. Growing in one's understanding and practice of this coexistence has endless consequences for good. It lifts one's whole tone of thought, and improves the quality of living. It gives a new and potent approach to prayer.

One's tendency can be to pray to God as an entity somewhere "out there" who may or may not respond in times of difficulty. But to the degree we accept our oneness with Him, we are able to begin praying from God rather than to God. That involves seeing man and the universe as God sees them. And He sees them as flawless, enduring, beautiful, and peaceful. Understanding this allows us to experience those conditions in our own lives.

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