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Following the example set by the question-and-answer columns in the early Journals, when Mary Baker Eddy was Editor, this column will respond to general queries from Journal readers—such as the one above—with responses from Journal readers. It will not cover questions about how to interpret statements in Mrs. Eddy's writings. There's more information at the end of the column about how to submit questions.


From the March 2005 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Q When I see experienced Christian Scientists who have not been healed after a long period of consecrated prayer, I feel that I am in very deep waters indeed. How can I reasonably expect to be healed myself—either through my own prayers or those of a Christian Science practitioner—when I don't have their depth of understanding, clarity, and experience?

A1 I imagine that most people searching for healing have found themselves wondering this. But the question assumes a hierarchy in God's creation. More than a century of healing through Christian Science illustrates that people of all kinds who have read Science and Health have been healed of acute and long-standing problems. And many were very new readers of the book, still relatively inexperienced in Christian Science healing. I like to think that every healing in Christian Science signals the possibility of my own and everyone else's healing.

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