WHEN MY HUSBAND and I were living in Holland with our two young children, our daughter, Kenzie, who was about one and a half years old, fell down a steep flight of stairs one evening and landed on a marble tile floor. I immediately scooped her up to comfort her. Though she quieted right away, she was not herself and remained unsettled.
I called a Christian Science practitioner to pray with us. But when it became clear that one of Kenzie's legs had been injured, my husband and I decided to consult with the village doctor. The doctor told us he thought our daughter's leg was broken, and he recommended that we take her to the hospital in Amsterdam, which we did.
At the hospital, Kenzie's leg was X-rayed. We were told that it was fractured and, because of our daughter's age, would have to be put in traction for six to ten weeks in order for it to set properly.