I HAD HURT MY ANKLE and had to treat it gently. But, for a few days, I was very casual in my prayer about it—perhaps thinking I would "walk it off." Then one evening, the ankle sustained a considerable jolt. It was very painful, and I found walking to be very difficult.
My husband is in a wheelchair, and I am his sole means of transportation. Pushing a wheelchair requires a lot of walking backwards—which was now almost impossible.
Two things were immediately apparent: I needed to be able to walk in order to carry on with my duties, and I needed some support in prayer. So I called a Christian Science practitioner, who instantly helped me to see that I am God's reflection, one of His spiritual ideas, and that meant I could never sustain an injury of any sort. The practitioner assured me that God was my support and strength; that nothing out of sync could happen under His government; and that God, who is divine Love, would never cause anything to prevent me from caring for a dear one.