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From the August 2007 issue of The Christian Science Journal

SOMETIMES LIFE CAN FEEL LIKE A SERIES OF SNAPSHOTS— some moments and events beautifully in focus, some so wildly out of kilter that we wish we could take those "bad shots" and just toss them aside. But from a spiritual point of view, life doesn't stop and start, meting out random good times sprinkled in among the occasional rough patches. Rather, divine Life, which is our source, the substance of our very being, impels each of us along a continuous trajectory of good. And when we turn trustingly to our unfailing source, Life, we find that our so-called bad moments dissolve, bringing us into the presence of good. As we understand more of this spiritual foundation of our being, we will rely more and more on divine Love alone to provide all that brings true happiness—now and eternally—with no interruption of good.

"Every desirable and beneficial gift comes out of heaven. The gifts are rivers of light cascading down from the Father of Light."

James 1:17 (The Message)

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