MOVING FROM A MATERIAL TO A MORE SPIRITUALLY BASED CONCEPT of science or theology or medicine is state-of-the-art gift giving, in this lead-up to the approaching holidays.
Moving from the impositions of material beliefs into the soaring sense of spiritual being—into the study and practice of the Science of Christianity—brings relief from fear, illness, poverty, addiction, feelings of dissatisfaction and discouragement. The list of liberations is endless, really.
Science, for example, takes on a new meaning as the physicality of that discipline moves to a more spiritual basis. Medicine is no longer tied to procedures and probings, but rests in the comfort of the universal Mind we call God. And theology no longer teeters on the seesaw of do's and don'ts, questionable salvation, or discouraging turns toward agnosticism or atheism, but finds its way to theology with a capital T—the wonderment of a universal, loving God, Mind, Soul that cares for all of us and unites under one divine and loving design.