THREE SUMMERS AGO, my husband and I went with our son to the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico where we had an enjoyable time and did a lot of walking in the heat.
A couple of days after arriving home, I became weak and unable to enjoy any food. I figured I just needed some rest and over the next couple of days spent many hours in bed. My husband and I are self-employed, so we didn't have to worry about me missing work.
Within a short time my condition worsened to the point where I began floating in and out of consciousness and lost control of all bodily functions. I also began losing weight rapidly. Everything was a blur. However, I do recall that at one point my husband and I had a conversation about whether I should go to a hospital or a Christian Science nursing facility. I quickly decided I did not want to go to the hospital, but wanted to pray and make progress in Christian Science while at home.