ST. PAUL DIDN'T MINCE WORDS when it came to describing the world's hatred toward God. "The carnal mind." That's what he called the nature of this evil aggression. "The carnal mind is enmity against God" (Rom. 8:7). This is the belief that there is another power, an evil power. "The carnal mind" is a term indicating a rejection of the scriptural affirmation that God, the one divine Mind, is Almighty, all power.
Christ Jesus didn't mince words when he referred to this supposed evil mind's effort to defeat the Church he established, "The gates of hell shall not prevail against it" (Matt. 16:18). His Church was built on a rock. The foundation of his Church was the healing Christ. And he made it clear that nothing was going to bring Christian healing to a stop!
A decree, described in the book of Ezra, regarding a rebuilding of the temple in Jerusalem didn't mince words either when it stated, "Let the work of this house of God alone" (Ezra 6:7). These directions carried authority. They were clear, strong, decisive, and designed to silence any opposition to work on the temple.