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Letters & Conversations


From the March 2010 issue of The Christian Science Journal

As I read the January Journal I am inspired, enthused, impelled to lift my practice of, and commitment to, this wonderful, precious Science of the Christ.

As I read "Your Insights" (Edwin Starner, p.59), I, too, pondered man's dominion. Thanks to something I read years ago in one of the periodicals, I consider dominion as man's ability to master the spiritual idea God is expressing as the blessing. We are in a "master class," mastering the spiritual truth that is the reality to any suggestion by the material senses to the contrary. Taking this a bit farther, as I read Mary Baker Eddy's statement, "... God pours the riches of His love into the understanding and affections, giving us strength according to our day" (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p.5), I think the strength we are given isn't strength to eke by given the challenges. I think we are prepared in this "master class" for the blessing today is big with!

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