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Testimonies of Healing


From the March 2010 issue of The Christian Science Journal

A YEAR AGO in late March, I experienced a quick and complete healing of a growth that had appeared suddenly, making it difficult to sit comfortably or clean myself properly.

When I first noticed the growth, the fear I felt urged speculation about the material origin and type of the condition. But I knew from studying the Bible that Jesus never discussed the material cause of disease, though he was able to heal consistently, and through spiritual power alone. I was also familiar with Mary Baker Eddy's discovery of Christian Science, which is based solely, as she said, on "the inspired Word of the Bible" (Science and Health, p. 497). From her study of the Bible, Mrs. Eddy concluded, "Disease is always induced by a false sense mentally entertained, not destroyed" (Science and Health, p. 411). So as I began to pray about the physical condition, I turned to the Bible and that week's Christian Science Bible Lesson for inspiration.

One passage that initially stood out to me from the Lesson was the following, from Ecclesiastes: "I know that, whatsoever God doeth, it shall be for ever: nothing can be put to it, nor any thing taken from it" (3:14). I thought deeply about God's doing—His spiritual, eternal activity—as being the only reality. Since the Bible characterizes God as Spirit, Life, Truth, and Love, I knew that God's nature must always be expressed in activity that included such qualities as harmony, purity, perfection, health, and holiness. And since the Bible affirms God's omnipresence, I prayerfully reasoned that such qualities were the true elements of my experience right at that moment; I could not include anything impure, abnormal, painful, or unclean, because these false concepts were not in accord with the nature of Life, Truth, and Love. I saw that God's law did not permit or allow any inharmonious condition to be added to it, nor any righteous quality "taken from it." And since that law was constantly governing, I could not be made to feel, see, or experience anything that wasn't good.

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