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From the March 2010 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Shortly After Christmas this year, my wife and I returned from a few days away to learn that a clerk in a convenience store just a few blocks from where we live was robbed and shot dead. The search for the suspect is still under way as of this writing. The TV channels were also abuzz at that time with the news that a would-be terrorist had attempted to blow up an airliner headed for Detroit. In contrast with the spirit of Christmas we'd been celebrating with friends in the previous days, these incidents seemed out of tune. Yet they pointed to the urgent need for the Christ-coming, the real Christmas. And they pointed to the great need, as the cover text of this issue says, to make spiritual healing the number one priority in our lives.

These are trying times—with news all around of disease, economic downturns, terrorism. And yet, much like the snow storms we have here in New England, at some point the gray, overcast skies begin to lighten, the snow slows down in its intensity, and a little glow of sunshine begins to peek out from the clouds. Finally the sun appears in all its brightness and warmth, bringing hope and comfort right in the midst of winter bleakness.

The same is true with God's healing presence. It's always there, even if the clouds of material sense seem to hide it at times. But a glimpse, a tiny awareness of God, and Love's healing presence suddenly breaks through and brings the healing sunlight of divine Truth into our lives.

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