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Testimonies of Healing


From the March 2010 issue of The Christian Science Journal

FIVE YEARS AGO I notified my employer of my intent to retire after a 30–year career. Not long after I took this step, I began to experience the physical symptoms of what I feared to be prostate cancer. I was looking forward to being able to focus my life in a different direction with my retirement, but this developing condition changed my entire outlook on life.

I was not raised as a Christian Scientist. While in college, I yearned deeply for a spiritual understanding that would bring more meaning to my life than my childhood religious upbringing provided me. This yearning resulted in a concerted search for a spiritual truth that I could identify with. Through this searching I was introduced to Christian Science. I began to study the writings of Mary Baker Eddy, particularly Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures. My search led me to the door of spiritual understanding, which Christian Science opened wide.

In the 36 years since my introduction to Christian Science, it has become more than a spiritual study. It has been a way of life that permeates every aspect of my daily experience. It's my rule and guide for how I make decisions, how I interact in relationships, and how I maintain my health. When I pray, as I've learned in my study, positive results have always been inevitable. I've experienced many physical healings through Christian Science prayer, and I expected nothing less in dealing with this new challenge.

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