SOMETIMES A HEALING happens so quickly that you forget to give gratitude. Such a healing happened to me a few months ago, and I am now taking this opportunity to say that Christian Science treatment is "quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two–edged sword" (Heb. 4:12).
Three of my buddies and I were playing a rousing game of tennis. If I had a radar gun, I am sure that I could have clocked the ball at over 100 miles per hour. On one volley, the ball was hit particularly hard to my friend standing at the opposing net. He returned it with even more power. It hit my throat, dead on. Immediately, I felt a lot of pain, but I looked over at my opponent and he looked so sorry and guilty. I knew that he would never want to hurt anyone. So in order to comfort him, I said, "I'm fine, I'm fine," and I said it with absolute conviction.
Meanwhile, the ball had traveled far away into the other court, and I headed to retrieve it. In those moments, I thanked God for my many blessings, and before I finished thinking through "the scientific statement of being," that begins: "There is no life, truth, intelligence, nor substance in matter. All is infinite Mind and its infinite manifestation, for God is All–in–all" (Science and Health, p.468), all pain left. We immediately resumed play and even though the score was lopsided, I still feel that I won, because of this healing.