In the book of Matthew, it is recorded that when Christ Jesus went up into a mountain, thousands of men, women, and children followed him, many of them seeking healing (see 15:29–38). He realized the people were far from anywhere they could get food before setting off on their journey home, and he asked his disciples if they had any food to share. They said they had a few little fishes and seven loaves of bread.
It is reported that Jesus told all the people to sit down. Then he took the loaves and fishes, gave thanks, and passed them to the disciples to distribute. As they did, the food multiplied, and all were fed—with seven full baskets left over.
What I love about this Bible story is that no one was left out. In all of those thousands of people, there may have been various kinds of personalities and sinners, but all shared in the good at hand. Jesus saw all before him through the eyes of divine Spirit. He perceived everyone as children of Soul, eternally in full possession of God’s unlimited, loving provision.