Editor’s note: Annually, we introduce our readers to those who will be lecturing for the Christian Science Board of Lectureship during the coming lecture year which runs from July to June. We asked the co-managers of the lecturing activity, Heloísa Gelber Rivas and Chet Manchester, to give us a preview of the new lecture year.
Heloísa: Our focus this year is one that’s been inherent in Christian Science lecturing all along. When Mary Baker Eddy set the Board of Lectureship in motion over a century ago, she gave it a clear course in the Church Manual By-Laws (see pp. 93–96). Essentially, every Christian Science lecture was to do two things: to provide “a true and just reply to public topics condemning Christian Science, and to bear testimony to the facts pertaining to the life of the Pastor Emeritus.” As we reviewed many of the early lectures on Christian Science, we found that they were indeed focused wholeheartedly on fulfilling these simple and precise requirements.
Every member of the Board of Lectureship agreed to bring forward in a clear and compelling way how and why Christian Science heals effectively.